Comments by State Fire Marshal

The state fire marshal says, “At this time [September 2014] I do not see anything in the inspection file that would warrant an immediate closure” of the Bow community building. He also said that “[t]he inspection file did identify some deficiencies that need to be addressed” and that he understands that “the town is trying to make a good business decision on whether to put money into the old building or build new.”

See the fire marshal’s e-mail correspondence with a town resident: Fire Marshal’s Email [PDF]

Approving Article 3 is the first step in bonding over $5 million for a new public safety building and $4 million for a new community center. By contrast, Article 30 authorizes the town to spend up to $550,000 to address the deficiencies identified in the inspection report. (The estimates obtained by the town indicate that the work can be completed for about $460,000). So what seems like a better business decision to you? $9 million in bonds for a new fire and police station and a new community center plus millions of dollars in interest on the bonds or a maximum of $550,000 to fix the Bow community building with no interest payments and a property tax cut when the high school is paid off in 2017?