Multimillion-dollar Public Safety Building Up for Vote Again

Chairman of the Concerned Taxpayers of Bow

For the third year in a row, the multimillion-dollar public safety building proposal is up for a vote at town meeting on Wednesday, March 11, at 7 p.m. at the high school auditorium. Last year the project was rejected, 425-257. It failed to attain a two-thirds vote in 2013 as well.

This year the proposal is for $5,030,000 with $5 million of that to be bonded. With the current borrowing rate of 4.5 percent, the 20-year bond interest will add $4.5 million more for a total of $9.5 million.

Bow warrant Article 5 then confronts the issue of what to do with the community building. It would appropriate $25,000 to hire “architectural, engineering and/or consulting firms to develop the cost of options to renovate the existing” building “or to construct a new community building.” The capital improvement plan from 2013 called for $200,000 to design a new community building. How and why there is a $175,000 difference for design costs is not explained. The 2013 CIP calls for $4 million to build a new community building somewhere else after the existing one is leveled. Again, bond interest for 20 years at 4.5 percent would bring that number to $3.6 million more or $7.6 million.

Because we oppose $17 million in new borrowing, the Concerned Taxpayers of Bow gained enough signatures to place Article 30 on the warrant for the town meeting.

Article 30 would repair the community building. It would not borrow any money but take $350,000 from the float or cushion of several million dollars the town has in its checkbook and $100,000 from municipal buildings and grounds reserve funds and add to it $100,000 in tax dollars. Where did the $550,000 total come from?

The $550,000 figure to fix is based on the town’s vendors who provided quotes obtained by the tax group in a series of right-to-know requests:

– Asbestos removal was quoted by Enviro Vantage of Epping at $64,000 in a January 15, 2015, report to the town.

– Life and Safety upgrades were quoted a year ago on March 11, 2014, by Robert Cummings and Associates LLC to cost $177,500. His report includes the cost of repairing the hood and duct over the stove in the community center to meet NFPA 96 and the fire suppression system under UL 300 codes.

– Electrical compliance was provided to the town in an electrical engineering report by Yeaton Associates in October of 2013, which had a range of $175,000 to $225,000 to bring the building into compliance. The tax group figured the midpoint of $200,000 was a reasonable number.

– The balance of $108,500 may or may not be needed to fix items not covered by the above. If not needed, it won’t be spent.

The goal is to remove the asbestos, fix the wiring and address the other issues raised by the fire marshal after he was invited in by the fire chief and selectmen. This would buy years of time, bring the town into compliance, fix the stove and vent for community groups to use the building and meet the September 2016 deadline set by the fire marshal.

If a reader wants to see the source documents, they appear on the website of the Concerned Taxpayers of Bow at under the heading “Hot News.”

Comments by State Fire Marshal

The state fire marshal says, “At this time [September 2014] I do not see anything in the inspection file that would warrant an immediate closure” of the Bow community building. He also said that “[t]he inspection file did identify some deficiencies that need to be addressed” and that he understands that “the town is trying to make a good business decision on whether to put money into the old building or build new.”

See the fire marshal’s e-mail correspondence with a town resident: Fire Marshal’s Email [PDF]

Approving Article 3 is the first step in bonding over $5 million for a new public safety building and $4 million for a new community center. By contrast, Article 30 authorizes the town to spend up to $550,000 to address the deficiencies identified in the inspection report. (The estimates obtained by the town indicate that the work can be completed for about $460,000). So what seems like a better business decision to you? $9 million in bonds for a new fire and police station and a new community center plus millions of dollars in interest on the bonds or a maximum of $550,000 to fix the Bow community building with no interest payments and a property tax cut when the high school is paid off in 2017?