Letter: Start Bow meeting promptly

Letter: Start Bow meeting promptly
Monday, March 17, 2014

To Bow Moderator Peter Imse: I encourage you to start the March 24, continued Bow town meeting on time.

While I understand your desire to be courteous to those still checking in after the 7 p.m. starting time, I think your reasoning is flawed. You are actually encouraging people to arrive late because they know they won’t miss anything important. You are also encouraging people to dawdle and socialize in the atrium rather than find a seat.
By postponing the start time, you are disrespecting those of us who arrange our personal schedules so that we can be there on time. Those seated around me had left work early, rearranged schedules, rushed through dinners and children’s bath times, skipped dinner, etc., to be there on time. Most of what the late arrivers would miss is the pledge to the flag, the national anthem and other non-essential business.
It is possible, though not probable, that we might have finished all of our business in one night rather than two. Time is one of the most important commodities in today’s society and should be respected and managed efficiently.

Karen Swanson

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