Letter: Thanks, Bow voters

Letter: Thanks, Bow voters
Monday, March 17, 2014

I want to thank all my fellow Bow residents who turned out to vote on Tuesday. I was told that 18 percent of registered voters showed up at the polls, which was one-third higher than last year. We also had 40 new voters register at the polls.

This was my first time running in an election and sincerely appreciate all who voted for me. I was asked by more than one voter why I was seeking this position. I was reminded of a sign that my dad had in his office at our Weeks Family Restaurant back in the 1960s. It read “Kwitchyerbitchin . . . and suggest a solution.” As Americans, we are very lucky to have the right to vote in order to implement change. We should also consider volunteering for positions in which we can participate in helping to find affordable solutions for our communities. All we have to do is read the headlines to know this is a challenge facing every city and town in New Hampshire. I will do my best in my position on the Bow Budget Committee for the next three years.

Bob Arnold

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