Please Attend on March 24

Please Attend on March 24

Bow voters, please make the effort to attend the important conclusion of our 2014 town meeting. We will need your votes to ensure the implementation of some of your earlier votes from the first meeting. After hours of deliberation, the meeting was put in recess, to be continued on March 24 at 7 p.m. in the Bow High School auditorium.

Moderator Peter Imse rightly complimented everyone in the room for a great turnout last Thursday. The interest shown in the issues at hand is a testament to the democratic principles and spirit of self-government in our nation, state and town.

Fellow Bow citizens, this is essential to avoiding another round of substantial bonded indebtedness at a time when the capacity to pay for it, our base revenue, has been significantly reduced. Let’s not become long-term indentured servants to the will of a privileged few this time.

Jim Hoffman

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